When you’re at the end, all you see is the ledge.

After three years of studying English and Creative Writing, a new period of my life has begun. Here, I reflect on what has been. I look around a room and see a cluttered mess. What has been a year worths of trinkets and memories have been stacked away neatly, in plastic boxes littering the floor.Continue reading “When you’re at the end, all you see is the ledge.”

My Interview with aAh! Magazine

Over the years my writing career has been greatly nurtured by the immense support I have recieved from aAh! Magazine . aAh! is Manchester Metropolitan University’s official arts and culture student magazine, and have been an integral component of the student experience at Manchester Metropolitan University. Without their ‘Spotlights’ of Student Societies, and the creativeContinue reading “My Interview with aAh! Magazine”

“Life is but a day at most”: Celebrating Burns Night in 2022

In the lead-up to my performance in MMU’s Student Union Burns Night celebration, I’d like to spend some time honouring the timeless Scotsman Robert Burns. A True Scotsman On this special day, I’d like to spend a few minutes talking about the legend. As you can probably tell, I’m no Scotsman (apologies in advance ifContinue reading ““Life is but a day at most”: Celebrating Burns Night in 2022″

Is this the end of the line?

A new chapter begins in the story of my life. Will what came before continue to mean something? Must good things come to an end? Life is change, is it not? We can’t always stay in the past, as comfortable as it may be, because living is about moving. To strive, to seek as TennysonContinue reading “Is this the end of the line?”

See me in my (first) podcast!

Testing, testing… Hi everyone! Podcasts are trendy, and I’m a trendy guy. Like sweet and sour we go together, a complimentary dish that everybody can enjoy. But there’s a problem: I’ve never actually recorded or even featured on a podcast! Until today! I’ve teamed up with fellow MMU students in the Philosophy Society to talkContinue reading “See me in my (first) podcast!”

I’m in an Anthology!

Hi everyone! As the title of this blog indicates, I am in an anthology–not literally, of course! But specifically, some of my poems have been included; not just one, though, or two for that matter, but THREE. Yes, three poems! So, what is this anthology that I’m talking about? Well, it’s been a side-project thatContinue reading “I’m in an Anthology!”

Has Instagram destroyed its own writing scene?

As Instagram chases after increasingly popular video-based content, will its writing community be left behind?  Bad Beginnings… 2021 has been a tough year for Instagram, and it’s forced the popular photo-sharing platform to make some hard decisions. Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat—the ‘big three’ in the social media industry—have kept a monopoly over the popularity ofContinue reading “Has Instagram destroyed its own writing scene?”

Quick Update: Good news everyone!

After a few weeks of talking with the Creative Directors of aAh Magazine, I’m very happy to announce that a further two poems of mine have selected for publication on their online sites! Those with the memory of an elephant, aAh magazine is a name that might ring a bell. That’s because, when I officiallyContinue reading “Quick Update: Good news everyone!”